Introduction to Shamanic Journeying

Saturday, April 12, 2025

9:30 am – 4:30 pm Eastern on Zoom


  • Free if registered for the Soul Retrieval and Healing Intensive Retreat in June 2025 (see below)
  • $150.00 if a standalone class


Shamanic Journeying is a time-tested spiritual practice for entering into expanded states of consciousness, and forming relationships with our spirit guides and teachers. These practices support us in accessing deep healing, intuitive guidance, and transmissions from the realms of light and love. In this class you will learn techniques for entering trance states, how to set intentions for journeying, how to set up safe and protected sacred space, how to form and maintain relationships with spirit guides, master teachers, and healers in non-ordinary reality. You will also learn how navigate the celestial realms and to integrate insights gained through journeys into daily life.

Medicine For The Earth: Healing With Spiritual Light

This series of 4 classes will be on Tuesdays on Zoom from 7:00 – 9:00 pm Eastern:

April 29, 2025

May 6, 2025

May 13, 2025

June 3, 2025


  • Free if registered for the Soul Retrieval and Healing Intensive Retreat in June 2025 (see below)
  • $250.00 if a standalone class series


These classes incorporate transfiguration into our divine light body to transform and heal ourselves, each other, and our environment. We also include journeys with the Elemental Forces of Creation: Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. Forming relationships with The Elementals greatly expand our Capacity for healing our relationship with the natural world and one another.

If you are new to Shamanic Journeying, I recommend that you take at least one of the above classes with me before doing the Soul Retrieval and Healing Intensive Retreat in June 2025, but it’s not required.

The above classes are included in the price of the Soul Retrieval and Healing Intensive Retreat.

Or you may take them as standalone classes.

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Course: Soul Retrieval and Healing Intensive Retreat

Taught by: Lauren Jubelirer

For inquiries, contact: Lauren Jubelirer Set up a time to talk to make sure this is a good fit for you.

Cost includes the highly recommended prequel Introduction to Shamanic Journeying class and the Medicine for the Earth four-class series offered below.

Early bird price good through April 30, 2025:  $800.00

Full price effective May 1, 2025:  $1100

Soul Retrieval and Healing Intensive Retreat

June 5 – 9, 2025
in person in Chapel Hill, NC
  • 9:30 am – 5:30 pm daily with a fire ceremony on Sunday after dinner
  • 9:30 am – after lunch on Monday
This 5-day in person course is for those who wish to offer Shamanic Healing Methods to their communities, and for those wishing to experience an accelerated healing process for themselves.
You will learn how soul retrieval works, shamanic healing principles and practices, how to diagnose soul loss, perform soul retrievals, tell healing stories, assist with integration and much more.
Soul loss occurs when people, places and animals experience trauma or loss. In order to bear the trauma, vital life essence moves into the shadow taking soul qualities we need to to fulfill our destiny  and life purpose.
Soul retrieval assists clients in moving beyond the effects of their wounds so they can embody their full luminosity, wholeness, sense of wonder and magic.
Questions?  Please contact me at

Shamanic Journeying Circle for Guidance and Healing

These Circles are for those of you who wish to form and nourish a conscious, co-creative relationship with your spirit guides, teachers, healers, and angelic beings who come from love, kindness, and compassion for all.
We use the shamanic journey method, meditation and movement to raise our frequency, enter expanded states of consciousness to access guidance, healings, and transmissions from the realms of love and light.

Our upcoming meeting dates are:

  • Monday, April 14 from 6:30 – 9:00 pm Eastern
  • Monday, May 12 from 6:30 – 9:00 pm Eastern
  • Monday, June 16 from 6:30 – 9:00 pm Eastern


The meeting location is at my house in Chapel Hill, NC.

Here is a gift of guided meditation audios for you

When was the last time you had an Astrological Reading?

(I respect your privacy and will never share your email address.)